Update on the Building Work in El Cotillo



Current building update in January 2025 towards the end of the article.

As many will know, there are a few large building projects going on in the north of El Cotillo, in the area in front of the Coral Cotillo Beach Hotel and the Marfolin Apartments.

All of the pile hammer action has finished on the first project, which will be an apartment development with a swimming pool, and they are now building the actual apartments themselves. There is a large crane moving building material around.

There are plenty of associated building site noises and dust, which can’t make life in the apartments that overlook the site very pleasant.

The second site is in front of the hotel. They have almost completed excavating the giant hole that I assume may house underground parking. But I don’t know what this development will be since there is no notice up on the site as there is for the first one, at least not yet. I am simply assuming it will be another apartment complex.

Building Work in El Cotillo

I imagine the Coral, the new owners of the Cotillo Beach hotel cannot be too pleased. They have only just reopened after spending a great deal of money upgrading the hotel to a 4 star.

The noise etc must be putting people off staying at the hotel, particularly if you end up in one of the hotel rooms that overlooks the building site.

As well as the noise the hotel will also be losing much of its distant sea view. Mind you, I have always thought that calling it the Cotillo Beach was a little deceptive as it implies it is situated on a beach, which of course it is not.

Building Work opposite Coral Cotillo Beach Hotel

The first time my wife and I stayed in El Cotillo we spent the first 3 nights in the hotel, as the apartment we were renting wasn’t available until then. That was in 2007 I think. The hotel only had 6 rooms occupied so it was a little like the Marie Celeste.

It was very cheap though; I think we only paid about 30€ a night all-inclusive for both of us. But after the first night we didn’t eat in the hotel as they put the food out for the 6 rooms at 6:30 so if you went to eat at say 20:00 the food had been sitting under heating lamps for 1.5 hours. We went in the bar one evening for a drink before we went into the village to eat. There was no-one in the bar, not even a barman, and no music or anything. So we sat at the bar in this empty, dead-quiet room until the barman came out of the kitchen and served us in plastic disposable glasses.

Not a great experience, but it has certainly improved since those days.

I made this short video of the building work so far if you want to watch it.

Building Works January 2025

Currently two more plots are being developed. One is at the groundworks stage so that there is a noisy pile driver operating all day to break up the rock. The other is at the first floor builing stage.

El Cotillo Building Work map
El Cotillo Building Work
Groundsworks taking place between the new Esmeralda Apartments and the sea
El Cotillo Building Work 2
Building commended next to the French bakery
El Cotillo Building Work 3
Apartments in front of the hotel almost completed

34 responses to “Update on the Building Work in El Cotillo”

  1. Steve avatar

    Any ideas what is planned behind the football ground as it has recently been marked out with wooden pegs painted orange ?

    1. JP in Fuerteventura avatar

      I know there were plans to build a new school in that area at some point. I don’t know if that is it.

  2. John Reid avatar
    John Reid

    Anyone know how to access the tennis courts?
    Since covid they have been locked and I guess you have to register to use them.

  3. JW avatar

    Just returned from our twice-yearly visit and shocked to witness Bar Torino being dismantled, apparently, due to a dispute with the council. What a shame; it’s been a great asset to holiday makers. I don’t know what the future is for El Cotillo but I think its not going to be improved. I sense vested interests are behind this. Whatever happens, it will never be a ‘squeeky clean’ resort it seems to want to project – not with all the dog mess on the beach dunes.

    1. JP in Fuerteventura avatar

      It is all about putting money in the back pockets of the local politicians

  4. Janni avatar

    Considering staying in the Coral Beach Hotel next week. How bad are the building works? Is it very noisy when inside the hotel?

    1. JP in Fuerteventura avatar

      To be honest, I doubt that you will hear that much from inside the hotel. Just make sure you have a room facing the pool rather than the road.

  5. Dan avatar

    We have stayed at the LaCasa Apartments which are unfinished in your video. We really like those apartments. Shame they are building more. I think that area would benefit from a green space where people can sit and relax by the sea.

    1. John Parker avatar

      I agree Dan. Some kind of recreational space would be nice. Unfortunately that land is far more valuable for development.

  6. John tooley avatar
    John tooley

    We are thinking about staying at La casa mid December but are concerned about what’s going on any information would be appreciated regards building works thank you.

    1. John Parker avatar

      Sorry I wasn’t notified about your comment. Building work is ongoing in the plots in front of the hotel.

  7. Chris avatar

    Hi John, is construction currently underway on the plot to the North of the Denebola apartments? (I.e. plot between Denebola and Bagus Restaurant/Marfolin?

    1. John Parker avatar

      The last time I was there groundworks were taking place on that plot.

    2. John Parker avatar

      I took a look today. That plot is at the groundwork stage so all day is the thud, thud, thud of the pile driver breaking up the rock.

  8. George avatar

    Hi John,
    We’ve booked to return to la casa (esmeralda) this May. Do you know if the crane I can see on the webcam is directly front of these apartments?

    1. John Parker avatar

      They are developing the plot between your apartments and the sea. I will be going to Cotillo tomorrow so I will see if I have time to swing by there and take a look.

      1. George avatar

        Thank you. Most kind.

        1. John Parker avatar

          I took a look today. The crane is actually still being used by the almost completed apartment complex besides the Esmeralda (directly in front of the hotel). The bad news is that the plot in front of the Esmeralda apartments is being developed and is at the groundwork stage so all day is the thud, thud, thud of the pile driver breaking up the rock. Howver, all of that will be completed before May. I will probably update the post with some pictures. Updated – https://www.elcotillo.net/update-on-the-building-work-in-el-cotillo/

          1. George avatar

            Thanks for the update John. Only paid for flights currently so might look at staying elsewhere. Such a shame

  9. Richard avatar

    Just arrived in Cotillo after a five year gap. Astounded by the amount of apartment building. Seems to be at odds with the current issues regarding tourism and numbers. Cotillo had a soul – is it going to loose it to the gods of mammon?

    1. John Parker avatar

      There are in the hotel area for sure. But at least they haven’t built another all-inclusive hotel which is what theyw anted to do. All-inclusive kills the bars and restuarants in the village.

  10. Elias avatar

    Hi John thanks so much for the updates. Stayed at Esmeralda cotillo homes in mid December when ground works in the plot across the street just started. Was annoying but got used to it. The apartments itself and the whole complex is great and staff super-friendly.planning to come back and stay at Esmeralda again in early February. From your last visit a few days ago, do you think there is a chance that at least the thud thud thud from breaking up the rock is close to the finish line in a few weeks?

    Have a good one and cheers from Germany!

    1. John Parker avatar

      You may be lucky Elias. I would say they were about half-way through but I don’t know when they started to say how long until they finish.

    2. George avatar

      Would be great if you could post an update Elias after your latest stay as we still plan on staying at Esmeralda in May. Would be good to know at what stage the building works are at.

  11. Aline avatar

    Hello from El Cotillo.
    We arrived with the forts bus from Corralejo where we ´re staying after one week of touring in Lanzarote. Discovering the old village and Harbor was lovely, but then We decided to head to the beach…omg how to spoil a fantastic location with ugly concrete buildings. I’m sad. Angry. I understand making money with tourists and I contribute, for sure, but at least, constructions should be a bit more respecting the extraordinary lands cape. They would need another Manrique of some sort.

    1. John Parker avatar

      That’s progress, apparantly. Mass tourism always spoils places. Mind you, there are some pretty ugly parts of Lanzarote too, so Manrique wasn’t that successful.

  12. Becky avatar

    Hi John. We are due to stay at the Esmeralda in early April. Just received an email from our tour operator offering to move our accommodation if we wish to due to the surrounding building work and noise disruption. Any further any updates/ information would be appreciated to help us make our decision as we were looking forward to staying in El Cotillo, one of our favourite places Many thanks.

    1. John Parker avatar

      I was there last week and the ground works were still going on (with the thump, thump of the machine).

      1. Marcin avatar

        Hi John! Thanks for all the information! Any updates?

        1. John Parker avatar

          I was there on Monday and it was just the same

  13. Geoff Floyd avatar
    Geoff Floyd

    Many thanks for posting this John.
    So very sad as this was my go to place!

    1. John Parker avatar

      It is Geoff … but apparantly that is progress

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